Ready or Not

When the Spirit says “Jump”, the world is divided into 2 kinds of people: The first group instantly responds with, “Ok, catch me!” as they leap from the ledge. The rest are far more cautious. “But wait, I’m not ready yet. Jump where? How high? On 3 or 1, 2, 3, then jump? What am I going to land on? Is it safe? Maybe I should put on a life jacket first.”

Much to my dear mom’s (and mother-in-law’s) heightened anxiety, I’ve always been in the former group. I realize what may appear as impulsive, careless, risky behavior to some, is to me inspired, divinely timed, and 100% Spirit approved.

Ooo—that should be a label. Forget the FDA, let’s rely on the Divine Approval Process. What do you think that would that look like? Ok, now I’m curious, too. Let’s run with this, shall we?

But. . .what if—

Let’s just stop right there.

You can catastrophize a list of possible scenarios all day long. OR you can rely upon the direction you’ve received from God Himself, knowing He always keeps His promises and will always have your back. You can’t do both. I promise you, the ‘What If’ game is one of the most unproductive wastes of mental and physical energy ever. The choice is yours, but I highly recommend the latter.

There have been several instances in my life when I’ve been at this crossroads, but one stands out in my mind. Dave (my late husband) had always wanted to go back to school and become a nurse anesthetist. Being an ICU nurse for seven years had given him an abundance of requisite experience. But we kept putting it off. We were comfortable, and we loved our home, life, and circumstances.

The very thought of uprooting our four growing children and moving out of state where we didn’t know a soul was intimidating. Plunging back into poor college student life was unappealing at best. Even though we’d received distinct confirmation by the Spirit that this was the path we’re meant to travel, we hesitated. We second guessed ourselves. We went back to the Lord in prayer.

His response was crystal clear: “Didn’t I already answer this question?”

We felt silly and even a bit chastised as Joseph Smith did, for having doubted the answer we knew we’d already received. At the same time, it was a well-deserved lesson in listening, trusting, and acting upon the answers we’re given. The first time.

We heeded His counsel and dove into our preparations. That summer we drove up to Spokane, WA with the kids and took a tour of the campus. We checked out neighboring towns to familiarize ourselves with the area. All six of us were stoked about becoming Gonzaga Bulldogs! Dave and I were immensely relieved the kids were enthusiastically on board.

Ten days later, Dave was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

3 and 1/2 months after that, he was gone.

I asked myself (and the Lord) many times why He had us go through all the trouble of applying to the University, touring the school, and meeting with the department head. Dave even got to shadow a nurse anesthetist professor at the hospital while the kids and I hung out at the hotel and played in the pool. What was the point of getting our hopes up and then dashed, just like that (*snap)? The Lord knew he wouldn’t have the opportunity to fulfill his dream, so why bother?

And then it hit me.

I needed the reminder to heed the inspiration I receive from the Lord and stand by the choices I know I need to make. Even when they don’t make sense at the time. Even when people around me are less than enthusiastic about my decision. Even when some people in my life have been downright unsupportive of the choices I’ve had to make.

I KNOW the Lord loves us more infinitely, more perfectly, and more unconditionally than our earthly minds can fathom. I KNOW He hears our prayers. I KNOW He sees us and cares about our unique lives and challenges. I also KNOW He is actively involved in even the most minute, seemingly insignificant details of our journey here on earth. I KNOW He wants to bless us and show us His love, mercy, and miracles every single day.

He stands at our front door and patiently knocks, waiting for us to invite Him in. He will not bang his fist on the door, ring a doorbell, yell to get our attention, or barge inside. WE must open the door and let Him enter. WE must have the faith to ask for the tender mercies and miracles we need. We must pray like it all depends on Him and then work as if it all depends on us.

Does this mean every single one of our prayers will be answered exactly how and when we want it to be? Absolutely not. Remember the scripture, “And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.” (3 Nephi 18:20) In this simple verse we see there are 3 parts to process:




But don’t overlook those three little words that provide a huge caviat: “. . .which is right. . .” That is the key. We can’t decide what is right. He does. He sees the big picture and knows what is ultimately best for us. Boy, oh boy, when it is right, you’ll know. You’ll have a burning yearning to blaze the trail and make it happen. PS. I wasn’t kidding when I said the puzzle pieces fall together perfectly and quickly. (see above chart)

My husband, George and I have been debating for the last year and a half if we should add onto our house or move. (I’m not exaggerating when I say the following.) In just over two months it became clear we’re meant to move, we found our dream home, we prepped our house to sell, received an offer on our house (that was literally on the market for 48 hours) and both houses close, and we move into our new home on March 4th. This could not have been accomplished without direct involvement from our Father in Heaven.

Have you had an experience like this, when the Lord has answered your prayers in a miraculous way? I’d love to hear all about it! Shoot me an email or comment below.

Love, MJ


Acting Lessons