What’s Happening:
New Website
You know how some brains gravitate toward science and the person can rattle on for countless hours about a certain topic, yet the next person is likewise fascinated with auto mechanics? Some brains get tech. Others…just…don’t. ← That’s me.
My original website was beautiful, and I loved the cute layers and decorations. But HOLY GUACAMOLE! I just couldn’t wrap my head around how to update it.
So… Ta-Da!
Welcome to my new, Melissa-user-friendly corner of Internet Land. Contact me to let me know what you think of it. I look forward to hearing from you.
I thought 2023’s conference was good.
2024’s conference was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
First of all, I had the privilege of taking a Deep Dive Writer’s Workshop from Brandon Mull. It. Was. AWESOME! It was like drinking from a firehose of literary genius for FOUR straight hours. I couldn’t write fast enough!
Another incredible experience was pitching my work in progress to not one, not two, but THREE publishers! The first two absolutely love the concept but their company doesn’t accept LDS Fiction. The third publisher, with whom it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to work with, was thrilled to pieces.
Normally, if they like your premise, publishers will ask for a writing sample—5 pages, maybe even 50 pages. But Covenant Communications asked for my ENTIRE manuscript! In an author’s world, this is HUGE. Like a grand slam in baseball, a standing ovation in theatre, etc.
I’m putting on the last few finishing touches, and then BAM! It’s off to publisher. Stay tuned for updates, my friends. This is going to be an epic ride!
September 27-28, 2024
Although I was skeptical about attending (fantasy isn’t my cup of cocoa), I walked out of there very impressed.
A. My husband, kids and grandkids had a blast! It was fun to see their reactions to the characters and content the love so much.
B. I got to go to a few writers’ workshops and even a panel of incredibly successful authors!
C. I was able to gawk and Marvel (ha-ha, see what I did there?) at the overall creativity and mindblowing handiwork of those in attendance. Their costumes were incredible!
I personally wouldn’t go again, just because of the crowds. Think: Disneyland minus the rides and delectable treats. Ultimately, I left with one question plaguing my ADHD mind: How did people like Mr. I-think-he-was-a-Halo-character…SIT? How did he pee???
Second Chances *Book Launch Party*
January 17, 2024
What a hoot!
We had a raffle (congrats, Melissa T), refreshments, a reading, and Even requests for My autograph. How cool is that? Thank you, Winnie and Mo’s Bookshop for hosting this celebration. Your bookstore is adorable! Here’s a giant THANK YOU to all those who came—both in person and in spirit.
PS. I have the best readers EVER!
Second Chances is released!
Jay Reicher, an underappreciated auto mechanic, is a painfully shy young single dad. Samantha Arnold is the new girl in town. He’s forced to meet Samantha Arnold, the new girl in town, when the ADHD family dog attacks he and Bailey, his three-year-old daughter.
Jay and Bailey, and Sam find themselves plopped before the biggest crossroads of their lives. Is Jay willing to give love a second chance? Will Sam rewrite the plans she has for her life to fit Jay and Bailey?
Both the Arnold and Reicher families have traumatic pasts they’re struggling to heal from. Second Chances lays out the journey to recovery and how various people traverse it and if they allow others to help them along the way.
Are you ready to take a look at your path? Afterall, life really is better with a second chance.
Contact me today for your own copy.
LDSPMA Conference 2023
My first ever writer’s conference! I had the privilege of attending with my cousin, Tammi. To say we had a blast is putting it mildly. We learned a myriad of writing tips, business, and promotion approaches. Most importantly? We got to rub shoulders with like-minded people and discuss how this is not just a hobby—we have been Called to create. Thanks, Tammi for putting up with my goofiness. Love you!