MJ Candland MJ Candland

Ready or Not

When the Spirit says “Jump”, the world is divided into 2 kinds of people: The first group instantly responds with, “Ok, catch me!” as they leap from the ledge. The rest are far more cautious. “But wait, I’m not ready yet. Jump where? How high? On 3 or 1, 2, 3, then jump? What am I going to land on? Is it safe? Maybe I should put on a life jacket first.”

Much to my dear mom’s (and mother-in-law’s) heightened anxiety, I’ve always been in the former group. I realize what may appear as impulsive, careless, risky behavior to some, is to me inspired, divinely timed, and 100% Spirit approved.

Ooo—that should be a label. Forget the FDA, let’s rely on the Divine Approval Process. What do you think that would that look like? Ok, now I’m curious, too. Let’s run with this, shall we?

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MJ Candland MJ Candland

Acting Lessons

Many of us have learned to recognize the Spirit when we’re at church, in the temple, or reading the scriptures. We know what it feels like when we’re prompted to get up in front of the congregation to bear our testimony. We’ve all felt the Spirit watching a touching, inspiring commercial made by the Church, or an uplifting book or movie. But do we know how to recognize the Spirit in our everyday life? Particularly when He’s asking us to do something out of the ordinary, or even downright rude.

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MJ Candland MJ Candland

Best Book Club Ever

Book Club is more than a mere excuse to gather as friends to chat about a book we may or may not have read and eat tasty snacks. It’s about feeding our minds, forging friendships, lifting each other up and cheering each other on in our adventures. It’s about belonging. It’s about sharing our light with others and being there for them when they need someone.

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MJ Candland MJ Candland

Choose Light

This being my first blog post (EVER) I suppose I should begin by introducing myself. Hello, my name is Melissa Candland, and I’m a recovering sugar-holic—oh, wait, wrong group. LOL

I’m a remarried widow, a mom, step-grandma, and an avid reader.

Life is hard. Our circumstances and trials can make us feel dull. Overwhelmed. Helpless. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

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